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I feel old today

Sydney started pre-school today and so I’m feeling a bit old right about now. Mind you, not the my joints creak when I move sort of old and certainly not the I’m going to pop a 4 hour purple pill kind of seriously old. Yet, today Misses Piggles headed off to her first day of school. This means at 3 years of age, I now have 15 more years of school shopping to do. This year it was a princess backpack and Hello Kitty lunchpail. Who knows what it will be in two years when she heads off to school. I’m betting it won’t be a Lost Abbey lunch box. Nope, it’s going to take us a few more years to reach that level of sophisticated marketing for sure. But just so you know, we’re working on it.

It must have been a hell of a day at school for her. I can only imagine what it must be like to be dropped off at school for the first time. Thing is, I killed that brain cell many years ago. That whole Norm theory about weak buffaloes and all. Pretty sure that one ran off the edge when I was like 9. But, today was a great day and I am looking forward to heading home to hear all about it. There will be so much excitement and talk of her new friends. I’m most interested in how lunch went. See today, Sydney had to eat lunch all by herself. And given that no one told her in which order to eat things, I am certain the sandwich was last to go. Mind you, it was probably eaten (she’s a voracious little eater) but I’m sure it went last.

Tonight, I am heading home to fire up the juicer and squeeze fresh daddy lemonade (limes, Reposado, Sugar and Ice). I know it should be a cold beer sort of night but there’s always beer in my life and not enough Tequila. Plus, if you keep poisoning the same brain cells with the same poison, don’t they grow stronger? (The Norm theory of drinking). So tonight, we’re going big. Brit and Tami Antrim are in town and visiting. I’m sure Sydney will make them laugh. Me, I’ll laugh the whole night knowing that my brain cells are getting stronger, my hair thinner, as my waistline expands. Sydney started school today. What on earth has this world come to?

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