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Post SD BEER Week thoughts and Cold Box news

It’s Tuesday and San Diego Beer Week ended officially at 12:01 AM yesterday morning. I finished up at about 10:20 pm when my car entered the garage of my house and I was officially home with no more events to work. It was so very nice waking up on Monday morning after an epic tasting at O’Brien’s knowing I didn’t have any beer events to head off to that night. Some suggested I take Monday off and relax. Maybe catch up on a little needed shut eye they suggested. It sounded like a great plan. Trouble is, I have a 3.5 year old who doesn’t understand R and R and we had work to do at the brewery.

You see, they just completed tearing down the cold box and we’re about to set the new one up for the tasting room. It looks so bad out there in the brewery right now. We’re bottling beer at the moment as well so things are quite chaotic here at the brewery. Tomorrow, we’ll get a chance to start rebuilding the bar and for the first time we’ll actually have lighting out there at night for the tasting room (I’m smiling from ear to ear right now). We’re also expanding the tap selection and with our new microstar contract, we’ll have tons of beers throughout the year. Look for expanded Abbey offerings as well as real kegs of beer to go. There’s even talk of a vintage beer list( aka Tomme’s cellar stash ) that will launch before the end of the year. We even have ordered a commercial dish washer for our glassware so the girls won’t need me to clean your glasses anymore.

All told, we’re very excited to be working so hard after San Diego Beer Week. I mean, we could be sitting back and waiting for Thanksgiving to arrive. But, I’d rather toast my family (or is that get toasted with family?) on Thanksgiving to our continued success and my lack of sleep. Look forward to a new great tasting bar hitting a Lost Abbey near you soon.

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