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The tasting room is currently closed and re-opens Wednesday @ 2:00pm Get Directions X

Recapping San Diego Beer Week

It’s Friday and the tasting room is officially open. I’m hiding in my office as I need some time to decompress.
San Diego Beer Week is now entering the final weekend and my liver went on strike this morning. I’m zoning out here in my office trying to recall if I’ve ever had a week with so much going on relative to beer. It’s been impressive and depressing at the same time. Impressive in that I have managed to drink my weight in beer (no easy feat mind you) and depressing because well this monumental week is winding to a close.

Last night we had our first ever Lost Abbey art show at J Six in downtown San Diego. Christian Graves and all the staff of J Six were amazing. We displayed some 15 pieces of art and even had Sean Dominguez (the artist) on hand to talk about the paintings and labels. It’s something that I have personally wanted for our patrons since we started commissioning Sean to do these great pieces. We brought down 14 Lost Abbey beers for the event including Duck Duck Gooze so to match the art. All told about 150 consumers and media turned out for the event. The food was out of this world good and Vince is still talking about it today.

Wednesday night we pulled double duty and hit the Toronado after a great beer dinner at the Ritual Tavern. Luca, Stacy and Michael put together an awesome menu and we poured Duck Duck Gooze, Inferno, Gift of the Magi and Red Barn. Late night found us at the Toronado for more beers and washoes. Cable Car 2008 and 2009 were on tap. The 2008 keg blew in 7 minutes! I don’t get down to San Diego enough to visit the 30th street bars so it was most excellent to have the chance on Wednesday to do so.

Today, I’m pretty worked over. Last Friday, I started my week of San Diego beer with an event at The Neighborhood. It seems like a month ago. I’m heading home tonight to put my feet up and relax with Sydney. Maureen is going out for Mom’s night out with the girls. She earned it. Daddy’s been on a guys week out and it’s not an equitable trade. But you gotta start somewhere right?

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