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Bad News / Good News: releases delayed, birthday party date made

The Bad News
As many of you may be aware, our cork-stoppered bottles come to us from a supplier in France. Unfortunately, because of the vagaries of inter-continental ocean transport, our shipment is currently sailing the high seas somewhere between Le Havre and Los Angeles leaving us with a lot of beer sitting in barrels waiting for glass. As a result, our planned releases of Older Viscosity on April 4th and Bourbon Angel’s Share later this month will not occur.

The Good News
Our third anniversary is right around the corner and our annual birthday bash will be held Saturday, May 9th. To make this party an extra special one, in addition to the usual food, music and frivolity, we’ll also be doing an über release. In all, there will be four beers made available that day:

  • Older Viscosity
  • The Angel’s Share (Bourbon)
  • Port Brewing 3rd Anniversary IPA
  • The Ten Commandments

Full details of the anniversary party, release sizes and availability direct from the brewery and via our distribution channels will be made available later this month.

* Patron Sinners – This notice applies to the general public only. Please check your email for updates on your Angel’s Share distribution.

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